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Elina: Hi Ariana. How’s it going?

Ariana:Oh, hi Elina. Fine, thanks. How are you?

Elina: Yeah, I’m good. Listen, Dan is coming back from Mexico next week and we’re going to have a surprise celebration this weekend. Do you want to come with us?

Ariana: Yeah, that would be great. What are you going to do?

Elina: Well … I’m not sure … have you got any ideas?

Ariana: Mmm … how about going to the movie theatre?

Elina: Yeah, maybe … Are there any good films on at the moment?

Ariana: Mmm … There’s that one comedy, Problem child.

Elina: Oh, no … we saw that last week. It’s really not that funny.

Ariana: Oh, right. Erm … How about going to the escape Room?

Elina: Mmm, no … Dan is scared of the escape room.

Ariana: Well … what does he like?

Elina: Well … he likes the sports Game … What about a sports game?

Ariana: Yeah! That’s a great idea. Everyone likes the sports game.

Elina: OK.

Ariana: When shall we go?

Elina: How about Saturday afternoon?

Ariana: All right. Where shall we meet?

Elina: Let’s meet at the park in front of the stadium.

Ariana:OK. When shall we meet?

Elina: Erm … 2 o’clock?

Ariana: OK, that sounds great! So, Saturday afternoon, in front of the stadium.

Elina: Yeah, it’s a plan! I’ll tell the others.

Ariana: Cool!

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Present continuous, Present simple, Present future

Exercise 191.

1. Will you come to my place next Sunday?

2. Will you read this book next week?

3. Do you read books every day?

4. Are you reading a book now?

5. I will not see him tomorrow.

6. What are you going to do tomorrow?

7. What will your friend do tomorrow?

8. Where will you go next summer?

9. Where do you go every morning.

10. Where are you going now?

11. Look! Mary is dancing.

12. She dances every day.

13. Will she dance tomorrow?

14. He will go to the theatre tomorrow.

15. We go to school in the morning.

16. Look! Kate is going to school!

17. Will you help your mother tomorrow?

18. I am not playing the guitar now.

19. My brother plays the guitar every evening.

20. They will not take care of the garden next summer.

21. Do you like apples?

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1. Will you help me wash the car?

2. I can’t come with you to the cinema, I have to stay at home and help my mother.

3. We decided to buy these shoes because they were very cheap.

4. Aram is not playing the piano now.

5. Did they meet you in a cafe?

6. What are you doing now? I want to invite you to the theater.

7. Where did your friend go?

8. My mom made a delicious breakfast yesterday morning.

9. Will you come home with me? I don’t want to stay here.

10. I read two very interesting books last month.

11. This dress is very expensive. I will not buy it.

12. Will you open the window? It is very hot here.

13. I will translate this text and send it to you tomorrow.

14. I don’t play chess well.

15. Nare speaks English very well.

16. I run faster than you.

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Jack and the beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his
mother. They were very poor. All they had was a cow.
One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to market
and sell her. On the way, Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic
beans for the cow.
Jack took the beans and went back home. When Jack’s mother saw the beans she was very angry.
She threw the beans out of the window.
The next morning, Jack looked out of the window. There was a giant beanstalk. He went outside and
started to climb the beanstalk.
He climbed up to the sky through the clouds. Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside.
Jack heard a voice. ‘Fee, fi, fo, fum!’ Jack ran into a cupboard.
An enormous giant came into the room and sat down. On the table there was a hen and a golden
‘Lay!’ said the giant. The hen laid an egg. It was made of gold. ‘Sing!’ said the giant. The harp began to
sing. Soon the giant was asleep.
Jack jumped out of the cupboard. He took the hen and the harp. Suddenly, the harp sang, ‘Help,
The giant woke up and shouted, ‘Fee, fi, fo, fum!’ Jack ran and started climbing down the beanstalk.
The giant came down after him.
Jack shouted, ‘Mother! Help!’ Jack’s mother took an axe and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant
fell and crashed to the ground. Nobody ever saw him again.
With the golden eggs and the magic harp, Jack and his mother lived happily ever after․


1.What’s the order?

  • …..Watch the story and put the sentences in order.
  • ……Jack’s mother chopped down the beanstalk and the giant crashed to the ground.
  • ……Jack took the hen and the harp and started climbing down the beanstalk.
  • …… Jack lived with his mother. They were very poor.
  • …….Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside.
  • ……Jack’s mother threw the beans out of the window.
  • ……A man gave Jack some magic beans for his cow.
  • ……An enormous giant came into the room and sat down. He had a hen and a golden harp.
  • ……The next morning, there was a giant beanstalk. Jack climbed the beanstalk.

Jack lived with his mother. They were very poor. A man gave Jack some magic beans for his cow. Jack’s mother threw the beans out of the window. The next morning, there was a giant beanstalk. Jack climbed the beanstalk. Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside.  An enormous giant came into the room and sat down. He had a hen and a golden harp. Jack took the hen and the harp and started climbing down the beanstalk. Jack’s mother chopped down the beanstalk and the giant crashed to the ground.

2.Watch the story. Write the missing words in the sentences.
a. Jack and his mother were very poor.
b. Jack took their cow to market.
c. When Jack’s mother saw the beans she was very mad.
d. Jack climbed up to the sky through the clouds .
e. Jack heard a voice. ‘Fee, fi, fo, fum!’
f. On the table there was a hen and a golden harp.
g. Suddenly, the harp sang, ‘help , master!’
h. Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.

3. Answer the questions

1.Who was Jack?

Jack was a boy who lived with his mother.

2.Was he a poor or a rich boy?

He was a poor boy.

3.What did Jack’s mother tell him one morning?

Jack’s mother told him to sell the cow.

4.What did the man give Jack on the way to the market?

He gave him magic beans.

5.What did Jack’s mother do when she saw the beans?

She got mad and threw it away.

6.What did Jack see when he looked out of the window the next morning?

He saw a big beanstalk.

7.What did he do?

He climbed it and he went through the clouds

8. Let’s imagine you have a magic stick and you are given one chance to use it. What will you wish? Write your thoughts in 4-5 sentences.

I would wish for business knowledge. With those knowledge I will know what to do to make a business better. They will be happy and might give me money for helping. Then I would buy something and sell it for the same price but two times as expensive. I would do the same thing all over again and I will be rich! I will also give some of my money to charity.

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English homework

8. Read and underline.

1. This bike is cheaper/cheapest than this car

2. Emeka is better/the best athlete of all.

3. A lion is more/most dangerous than an elephant



Cindy is a happy friend.

She talks to us happily.


You are a very kind person.

You explain something kindly.


There is a heavy rain today.

And the wind is blowing heavily.


It is a very bright day today.

The sun is shining brightly.


This basketball match is very good.

The players play very well.

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Adjectives, adverbs

4. Underline the correct item

1. Jane works hard/hardly.

2. He’s a very nice/nicely man.

3. The sun is shining bright/brightly.

4. She behaves very good/well.

5. He always dresses smart/smartly.

6. He shouted angry/angrily at me.

7. You drive very slow/slowly.

6. Underline the correct item. Then match the beginnings to endings.

  1. Jackie was slow/slowly walking home after a long day at work when sudden/suddenly a poster caught her attention it was a very beautiful girl. She looked at the poster careful/carefully one more time. It was Amy! Jackie looked at Amy and smiled happily. She then said to her soft/softly: “Congratulations, Amy!”
  2. Mark loves driving his expensive/expensively new sports car. But unfortunate/unfortunately, he also loves driving fast. On that cold winter night, the weather was really bad/badly but Mark didn’t care. And then he saw a big van in front of him. Later that night, Mark was in the hospital but he felt lucky/luckily he was alive. He decided to never drive so careless/carelessly.
  3. Jennifer was smiling proud/proudly as she arrived at church. She looked perfect in her simple/simply white dress as she walked slow/slowly towards John. When the service finished the pretty/prettily couple ran quick/quickly into the car. A new life was infrastructure of them!

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Which Is Better?

There was once a man who had three sons, and all of them loved the same girl. Each of them asked the girl the same question, “Will you marry me?” All of them were clever, handsome and strong. The girl liked each of the three young men very much and couldn’t decide which of them was the best.

One day the father of the three brothers said, “Here is some money for you. You will go on a long travel. While you are travelling, you must look for a very, very useful thing. When you find it, you will buy it and bring it home”.The three brothers travelled for a long time, and they bought three very useful things.The first young man bought a magic carpet. On it he could fly to any place in no time. The second brother bought a magic looking-glass. When he looked into it, he could see anyone and everything that he wanted to see. The third bought a magic lemon. The juice of that lemon could make a dying man or a woman well again.The three brothers came together and showed their things to one another. Then one of them said, “We are far from our home and far from our dear girl. Let us look into the looking-glass and see her.”The second brother took out his looking-glass, and they all looked into it. They saw that the girl was very ill. Then the first brother asked the other brothers to sit down on his carpet and all of them were at the girl’s house in no time. The third brother cut his lemon and gave the juice to the girl. The girl drank it and she was well again.The young men were very happy.“Now which of us will you marry?” they asked the girl.“I thank you all, my dear friends,” answered the girl. “One of the brothers saw me in his looking-glass, and that helped to save my life. His looking-glass is a very useful thing, and he will have it forever. Another brother brought all three of you on his carpet, and that helped to save me, too. It is also a very useful thing, and he will have it forever. And one of you gave me the lemon juice, and now I am well again. But he has no lemon now. He gave all he had to save me. I will be his wife.”And the other two brothers said, “Yes, the girl is right”.